

Section I: General Goals and Objective
The Larynx is an extremely important organ in human body in functions of airway protection, respiration, and phonation and swallowing. The systems involved in the function of larynx are so complex that medical students are unable to devote adequate time during their residency programme. This subspecialty has become a field of recent advances for laryngologists and basically comprises of patients of

  • Voice disorder
  • Benign and Malignant Laryngeal and hypo pharyngeal lesions
  • Compromised airway
  • Swallowing disorders

The Laryngology Fellowship Training Program at Voice Clinic, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital provides fellows with advance tuition in the field of Laryngology. The education program combines core basic knowledge of Laryngology and communication sciences in conjunction with clinical aspects of diagnosis and medical and surgical management of diseases of Larynx.

This fellowship course is introduced to train laryngologists to manage laryngeal and laryngopharyngeal disorders. As a part of ongoing training the fellow is expected to review the complex anatomy and physiology of larynx with epidemiology, pathology and microbiology of disorders of the larynx: voice, airway and swallowing.

Section II: Course Contents

  • Detailed history taking.
  • Clinical examination
  • Diagnostic
    • Digital Videolaryngostroboscopy
    • High Speed Camera Laryngoscopy
    • Voice analysis
    • Pulmonary function test (PFT)
    • EMG
    • Functional endoscopy and evaluation of swallowing with swallowing workstation
  • OPD based Procedure
    • Endoscopic Laser Surgery
    • Fat Augmentation/ Vocal cord medialisation
    • Botox Injection
  • Surgical procedures
    • Microlaryngoscopy
    • Laser surgery for benign and malignant laryngeal lesion
    • Transoral laser surgery for airway stenosis
    • External Neck surgery
      • Laryngotracheal reconstruction
      • Laryngeal Framework Surgery
      • Laryngectomy
      • Laryngopharyngectomy
      • Voice Prosthesis Insertion
    • Voice Therapy and Voice Rehabilitation
    • Counselling skills: counselling of patients, family, caregiver
    • Follow up

Section III: Teaching Method and activities

  • Case presentation and management of cases in OPD and IPD.
  • Daily rounds with faculty members
  • Flexible laryngoscopy
  • Perform Laryngostroboscopy
  • Perform high speed Laryngoscopy
  • Interpretation of 20 cases of voice analysis.
  • Use and interpretation of swallowing workstation
  • Surgical Skills
    • Benign Lesion and Spasmodic dysphonia surgery using CO2 laser
    • Transoral dilatation of Airway Stenosis
    • Fat Augmentation

Section IV: Teaching Activities

  • Journal club
  • Teaching of PG students
  • Lectures sessions
  • Case presentation
  • Research
    • Publication of one research work in peer reviewed journals.
    • Dissertation

Section V: Logistics

  • Number of Fellowships: Two posts per calendar year
  • Eligibility Criteria- M.S. ENT/ D.N.B
  • Commencement of Session – April of each year
  • Duration- One year
  • Stipend:- INR 50000/- pm paid in arrears
  • Paid Leave-15 CL

Section VI: Application Process

  • Application begins with a statement of interest to the programme director. Following initial screening, suitable applicants will be invited to apply. A CV, and two reference letters supporting the application should be submitted. The decision will be communicated to the applicant within two months of the application date. The fellowship programme commences in the month of August every year.

Section VII: Completion Criteria

  • End of the term assessment evaluation The written assessment will be an essay type paper and/or multiple choice questionnaire.Oral component will entail clinical examination and evaluation.
  • Evaluation process will also include fellows’ dissertation, publication and research work during the period of attachment and their participation in academic activities. A review of ‘Log Book’ will be carried out, as a tool for self-evaluation process for the fellows to assess their performances. Two copies of an analytic summary will be made, and one copy will be retained by the department.

Voice Clinic
Email- voicelaser@dmhospital.org; voiceclinic@gmail.com
Tel: +91 20 4915 3114
Mob: +91 9822040961 / +91 9595123008
Website: www.voicelaser.org ; www.laryngologyvoiceassociation.com

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